Region locking a device that is meant to be carried around with you everywhere speaks to a special kind of nasty, one for which I'm sure someone will burn in a special hell, the one they reserve for people who speak loudly in the theatre.
Region locking a device that is meant to be carried around with you everywhere speaks to a special kind of nasty, one for which I'm sure someone will burn in a special hell, the one they reserve for people who speak loudly in the theatre.
The tagline for the franchise is no laughing matter. There are more than 700 Pokémon now, and getting a hold of all of them is hard. That's especially true if we take into account the legendary Pokémon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, some of which are tough to find and capture. Give this challenge a try, if you…
Tears of LFR raiders.
I tolerate public proposals so long as 1) the couple has already agreed to marry in principle, 2) the proposee has spoken often about their desire for a particular kind of public proposal, and 3) no one else is unduly inconvenienced in the process.
You're an actual dinosaur, huh?
So, I talk a lot to people who are in the "new polyamory," or whatever - you know, the Captain Awkward, Dan Savage approved bourgeois American version. They pretty often express the wish that their various combinations be certified as legal somehow, and I see their perspective.
"I better hurry and tell all the ladies in the world what my penis thinks of them, so they can base their self-worth around it! You're welcome, ladies."
I believe 'fantasised' would actually be the correct spelling if you live in the UK/commonwealth
Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy…
Glad they keep it updated with content, even after so much years.
If you don't want to wedding-plan, get married ASAP. The longer the engagement, the deeper the crazy.
Team divacup. But when i used tampons, they were coming out when i pooped, whether i wanted them to or not. Always changed it.
If anything, we should be seeing more photos of the reality of Ebola in west Africa because it's way too easy for us sitting comfortably on this side of the world to shrug off the crisis as just something that's happening "over there." Yes, it's shameful that people don't give a shit until it lands in their backyard,…
As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.
Are you my evil twin? I did exactly the same thing but am slowly getting him into the idea of audio books.
I insist. They're on me.
You could write ads for Bad Dragon.