
IIRC, the show actually cut Jaeharys II and just had Aerys II be the son of Aegon V. I believe Aemon said something to this effect in Season 1 or 2. So I'm not sure it would make as much sense on the show for Jon's real name to be Jaeharys.

Why it would it destroy that? Tyrion is just as much Tywin's son as any adopted kid is son to their adoptive father.

I don't get the "Tyrion is not really Tywin's son" thing. Even if Tywin is not his biological father, he is still Tywin's son: Tywin is the man that raised him from birth (well, more accurately paid for him to be raised, but that's the typical role of the father in this world).

Says in the article: money from his piggy bank.

i propose that if you can show an audience a 15-minute clip of a TV show on a big screen, without telling them it's a TV show, and they can't say for sure that it's a TV show, then it's indistinguishable from a film. A Turing test for TV if you will.

My kids love Frozen, especially my younger daughter, but I can't even imagine saying to them "hey kids, Frozen is on tonight!" and them being excited about it. I mean, they can watch it whenever they want.

I hate to break it to you, but if you're old enough to remember when the Super Mario Bros movie came out, and were young enough at the time to be disappointed by it—-you're a Millenial.

It's "your mileage may vary". It's from commercials for gasoline-powered combustion-engine cars from the 80s. You wealthy millennials with your Teslas and hoverboards wouldn't understand.

Of course, that is what the Latin components of the word literally mean. The English word means something different. And no one, speaking any language anywhere, uses every word with its literal meaning.

Isn't "his schtick didn't translate to movies and make him a star" kind of the whole point of that Zoolander joke?

But it's gonna be like 1,000 pages. That's almost as long as the entire LotR trilogy. Why wouldn't it be able to conclude in that length?

Some dude invaded me in Dark Souls once, killed me in two hits that didn't even seem to connect (as happened virtually every time I got invaded), then had the gall to message me on PSN and tell me to "bow next time". I don't care about "etiquette", invaders are not welcome and I am not going to greet them politely.

Your semicolon usage is bad and you should feel bad.

Right.. They're impossible to read because of the spam… certainly not because of long, inane threads of responses to obvious trolls and an over abundance of Poochie references.

There was a Seinfeld episode in which George's parents and Susan's parents have dinner together (so must've been in the middle of its run, mid-90s I guess). Susan's dad starts talking about a movie he saw recently, and Frank cuts him off, screaming "I haven't seen it yet!! DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME!!"

Today they do, but 60 years ago they didn't. "Race" has always been a pretty fluid concept.

I enjoyed the meta-joke on "marketing research" of those: Altair, Ezio, and Connor all got a "skip" recommendation, while Aveline got the green light—-and her game, of course, is the one no one bought or played in real life.

Sort of. He originally planned one trilogy with the full story. Book 1 would have ended with the Red Wedding. But the story grew, so the number of books grew. Instead of 3, he planned 5, with a five-year gap after the 3rd (which was A Storm of Swords). But then he started writing the 4th and realized the

Oh come on. They shouldn't even be speaking English. Just chalk it up to the whim of the (imaginary) translator.

This. I am normally sympathetic to arguments from privilege, but I just don't understand this one at all. Your comment here helps me understand my confusion.