
OK, so you’re 27? Just answer the dang question. Actually, don’t. Your age is as obvious as that time (this morning, lol) you tried to play yourself off as a New Yorker.

You’re like, 25, right?

Actually, your friend would make a fine New Yorker, since so many of us think the same thing about what makes us “real,” lol

“Aging down” as a term implies that older people are “acting young,” or behaving in a way more expected for people younger than themsleves, instead of simply behaving how they want and in a way that feels right for them. If you can’t see the built-in ageism in such a term, and you can’t see how silly it is to expect

Are you very young? Or did you grow up in a very conservative environment? You just seem so convinced that there are things that 30-year-olds do and wear that 40-year-olds don’t, and I see virtually no difference between these groups, with the exception of biologically driven things like increasing baby fever for some

Girl, I do understand it, but I also think that marketing people tend to latch on to these dubious ideas that don’t have much basis in reality. Absolutely no one in New York City looks at a 40-year-old man in a Zoo York T-shirt and says “Why, that’s a shirt that’s probably meant for a teen skater! That middle-aged

Did I mention I have a PhD? Is that a hillbilly trait also?

Did I mention I have a PhD? Is that a hillbilly trait also?

Did I mention I have a PhD? Is that a hillbilly trait also?

I’m sure anything above you seems like a high horse

Honey, you got up on a high horse by attempting to speak for New Yorkers, and you got told. Now you say you don’t even live here? Messy.

Brooklyn-born, Jersey-raised, Manhattan the last 20 years. I don’t know why you’re checking my fine city (which has probably been yours for less than 5 years) for this obviously transplanted fool and her little-girl clothes, but nothing about her is New York in the least ... just because she battled the MTA for the

Right? I feel like he thinks acceptance of his blackness means erasing his Italianness, but it doesn’t, or it doesn’t have to. Also, he’s from Queens! He probably went to school with a Mexican Jewish kid and a Catholic Indian kid, heck there were so many Jewish-Italian kids at my school that they started calling

I’m not trying to be a smartypants, but why is this little girl not Norwegian, if she grew up in Norway to Nordic parents and in Nordic culture? She’s black, but she’s also as Norweigian as any other kid at her school, right?

Off-topic, but how adorable is this picture of her with her dad? She looks like a little doll.

Off-topic, but how adorable is this picture of her with her dad? She looks like a little doll.

I’m not one for age-policing a woman’s clothing, nor do I think it’s something that people who judge others’ clothing for a living even try to uphold anymore—Anna Wintour herself wore miniskirts well into her fifties—but I do think there’s some truth to the observation that this Agrawal woman is dressing in a

So it seems we are sisters. :p

I love how you’re presenting your hillbilly life choices as something the rest of us “haters” should be jealous of.