It’s so, so gross. Like how many photos can you take that are like LOOK AT MY ENGAGEMENT HAND without realizing how trash that is? And it’s not like she’s got Cartier on that unpolished mitt of hers, so maybe relax.
It’s so, so gross. Like how many photos can you take that are like LOOK AT MY ENGAGEMENT HAND without realizing how trash that is? And it’s not like she’s got Cartier on that unpolished mitt of hers, so maybe relax.
You got me on the double posts, it’s due to an ancient MacBook and a very bubble-pawed kitten. That’s just life as a fabulous spinster cat lady. Wish you were here, xoxo
Your comment is fat. Congrats on choosing poverty for the sake of intellectualism.
Your comment is fat. Congrats on choosing poverty for the sake of intellectualism.
I’m sorry, do you need me to link you to endless respectable studies that show that marriage is emotionally, financially, and politically harmful to women? Or is it OK if I just straight-up call married people fat, boring, and lazy?
People worry too much about being grayed. Smart people know not to ignore gray comments, we know that’s where the truth gets told. Only Jez Kool-Aid drinkers really give a damn about who is gray and who’s not. Don’t sweat it.
Yeah, like we’re anti-marriage? Seems like that variable never comes up and everyone who does dutifully get married like a good conformist little citizen assumes there’s something about the rest of us that is un-betrothable. Nah, we just don’t volunteer for prison.
Wow, aren’t you the romantic, lol
As someone wo came too late to this piece to have my initial-reaction comment, “Fucking VOMIT,” not get buried, I thank you for this. I really don’t understand why women who marry childhood sweethearts invariably seem to think that act is impressive and not stunted, but in any case I don’t know why they’d proudly…
I’m so delighted that you understand where I am coming from with this. :) Maybe we knew each other from CBGB Sunday matinees, or hanging out with the rest of the town misfits in the Wawa parking lot. And PS, we looked amazing. My adult life will never include a pair of combat boots as perfect as the ones I wore in…
But it is loserish. Especially when it’s so preciously presented as the wardrobe of a loser and not another conformist kid with money.
This feels written by someone whose parents pay her Cobble Hill rent
Thank god someone said it.
me too, mon frere, me too
Adam Ant is still quite adorable. In this decade, he makes the rounds of UK morning shows all kitted out in his pirate gear—ruffley shirt, leather pants, tricorner hat—but now sports bifocals. The ladies who host these shows fawn over him regardless. Hey, I’m not judging! Adam Ant is a forever dreamboat and criminally…
YAS Sigue Sigue!
Not just Google but the fucking Condé Nast/Vogue archives. The magazine used to set a standard, problematic as it may have been. Now it’s like they let any lazy-ass write for the mag. I hope people will get off their high horses about the Kim and Kanye cover after this tragic mess, and I say that as someone who …
Can confirm, all the skater boys on the train (from whom I as a lady take 50 percent of my style cues) are wearing floral baseball jackets. They look amazing.
I believe you that most (good) nose jobs today are about refinement and not just whittling (although then why does a billionaire’s daughter like Bella Hadid get such a classic hack job? and why do people rave about her new beak? I digress), but the percentage of people who have their nose made bigger has to be like…