
Maybe routine but still important as the number was killed a few seconds later. To be fair, it was interesting to note their reaction in the library a short time later. I read it as Reese being shocked (I wouldn't say he is cocky but maybe a touch complacent at times…) and Shaw being a little shocked but mainly pissed

Holding my hand up as another newbie commenting but long time fan of this board and POI. Thanks for the comments and callback info @m56 when you talked about the explosion, I flashed back to Finch when he was on his way to warn or observe another number in "Number Crunch", Season 1, Episode 10 and then witnessed the

During the scene when Root is talking to Finch and Fusco about Collier and the message, "disseminate", Fusco is shown being in a yellow square so I am assuming he knows already but yes I agree he doesn't want to be more of a target than what he is now..