Lydia Deetz

That’s rolling probable cause.

You sure are some kind of mix of crazy and stupid.

Eh, you don’t even get a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum. I’ll just stand here silently; no praise and no disdain. 

So I guess anyone in jail or prison for crimes they committed while 17 or younger is just going to be released today, right? Because nothing could possibly have been serious enough to try them as adults or ruin their futures, right?

Honestly, I think dating profiles for straight men should have a box to check if they’re housebroken.

Yikes. FSBook. <shudder> I made a list.

Now, would that story you’re unfolding happen to have taken place back in the early Nineties, just about the time of our conflict with Sad’m and the Eye-rackies?

“‘Meghan got her attitude from her mother. Doria always told Meghan, ‘If they’re not doing anything for you, why should you do anything for them?’”

I don’t fear the world ending (much); I’m just really, really pissed off all the goddamn time. Because he’s a hateful liar, and stupid people caused this. Very easy to be pissed off about that.

This is 100% it. The reason Brock Turner is still Brock Turner is because he is legally mandated to be. Otherwise he’d be Rich McFuckface and living somewhere else with a nose job having left all this ‘unpleasantness’ behind him. But he can’t, because it turns out that the idea of having a list of sex offenders is

Nobody sandbagged Bernie. He came into a political party he wasn’t a member of at the last minute and lost because he couldn’t connect with a large portion of the Democratic base, black people. Nobody thought he would win. He comes from a state that has a smaller population than Ocasio-Corte’s house district in NY. 

For the other white people in the grays:

I’d assume it’s actually the opposite; she doesn’t want people to take these wins for granted, and assume the exact same strategy will work in every single district and we can all just kick back and let the wins keep coming. It’s a huge, monumental win, but it’s also in a heavily blue district with a rather lazy

Like many white people from the rural south raised by Republicans, I primarily align with Democratic Socialist policies and positions. I’m 33 years old. I remember 1998 – the lynching year, Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd, Jr. Columbine happened during my Freshman year of high school. How safe are today’s children

I am not far left (at least according to far left people, I might as well be a neocon) but it irks me so much that dems talk about how people need to come out and vote dem even if they have to hold their nose at it -- but that goes both ways! If a progressive candidate wins and you’re more center, YOU have to hold

I’m starting a sign up sheet for following Ginsburg around and making sure she is happy and healthy. Duties include making sure she takes her vitamins, that all meals consumed are balanced, that she has adequate gym time and time for reflection, blocking unwanted phone calls and texts, making doctor’s appointments for

And may no member of the Trump adminstation ever enjoy a tamale again. 

Can you.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

It is a really really narrow holding. He would, for example, have to sell a premade cake to them. And it wouldn’t apply to non-artistic services, like carpentry or accounting. Also, this was 7-2; hardly the doing the Trump administration alone!