Lydia Deetz

Wonder how the Trump Presidential Library will cover this affair.

The argument that feminists should welcome pro-life women into the fold is so frustrating and completely misses the point of feminism. If you don’t think women should have control of their own bodies, you cannot be a feminist. If you don’t like abortion but think other women should have the right and access to make

Gotta let out the rallying cry every now and then, see who from the Old Guard at Jez is still alive and bitchin’!

I’m hoping he’ll be taken right to the edge of the abyss for a good long stare, then given the option of some sort of deal in return for burning the rest of them to the ground.

The kind of physical trauma that women commonly go through during pregnancy and chidlbirth straight up gives me the heebie-jeebies to think about. Women destroy their bodies to create new human beings and then we’re still considered the “weaker” sex? It just tops off the contradictory, idiotic shit sandwich of being a

Yes. Bowie and Prince are gone..but Nugget and Rock id live on.

When two dumpsters are on fire in a forest, does anyone hear them? Does anyone care?

I really can’t anymore. I just can’t.

Let me get this straight. Man drops some artwork downtown in form of protest. City loves it and permanently adopts artwork. Another artest drops a different piece of art near the first one as a form of protest/tribute and the first artist is now complaining about his copywrite?

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

I mean, if a person’s longing for change is this violent and undirected just go over Niagara falls in a barrel or tease a hungry bear or try to wear a green mamba for underpants. Don’t take the rest of us with you on your trip.

I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.

An old gypsy man touched him and whispered “Lizard”

Well, plenty of kids are abused, but manage to grow the fuck up and not follow in the abuser’s destructive footsteps. Ivanka Trump is yet another corrupt piece of shit. She doesn’t deserve a pass just because her dad is a fucking creep.

I too really regret my decision to not have rich parents.

I can only wish for such arrogance.

One of the most exhausting and frustrating things in the whole entire world is a privileged white person with oppressive political views getting bent out of shape because someone reasonably makes the logical connection from those political views to personal beliefs and calls her out on it.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.