Lydia Deetz

And I miss my friends who have kids, especially one of my closest friend from high school. I have gone out of my way to plan child friendly things so she can bring her son. But something always seems to come up. It eventually gets to the point where you stop trying because you get tired of putting in the effort. And

I often say that my biggest fear is that I'll regret having a child, but I think my actual biggest fear is that my husband will leave me if I decide not to have a child.


Then don't sign your kids up to eat school lunch and send them with bag lunches instead. Easy!

Don't get me started on how Taco Tuesdays is racist*. What other enlightenment can I receive from FOX today?

Yeah, I immediately thought 'You'll be 70 when they are in college, wow.' But again, moe power to her. I'd love to have that sizeable bank account to help cushion any kiddies I might have in the future, sounds lavish!

And I'll be sitting here like

Jesus said, "love thy neighbor" but what if you are a man, and so is your neighbor?? Maybe Jesus was advocating for gay rights all along?

Hey Kirk, you really shouldn't be alienating all us Jews and Muslims and Hindus and other non-Christmas-celebrators out there with this "war on Christmas" stuff. Know why? Because we're the ones who have your back and are constantly reminding people that Christmas is about Christ. Casual Christian person: "Why don't

"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"

The only thing that'll stop a bad 9-year-old with a gun is a good 9-year-old with a gun.

How's about we not teach 9-year-olds how to shoot fully automatic weapons? Just a thought...

I wonder if maybe she means she's hasn't failed by not "having it all," which is often what people think feminism is (of course, it isn't and doesn't have to be). Like, she chose to have a career instead of a child and that doesn't mean she isn't good enough for not "having it all" (like many celebrity women seem to

is that an Arcade Fire lyric?


This is a disturbingly common assumption.