Lydia Deetz

No offense to the author but this is one of those times where I'm like, "Well hell if they'll give you a book deal for that..."

Has anyone else seen the trend from their graduating class of "popular" (I use that term loosely because I always saw through there insecure bullshit *flips hair*) kids only marrying and dating one another? Even after HS and into college. They just rotated girlfriends/boyfriends and now they are all married to

The dispatcher was actually influenced by the lesser known honey badger moon. It causes one to not give a fuck.

Dear America,


Believe what you want, but ghosts are REAL!

Clearly they are trying to give him an anti-Semitic twist by calling him Slendermen.

my daughter loves being read to, and so even though she isn't reading on her own yet I'm totally confident that she will love reading all her life like her mom and dad do.

LeVar Burton isn't literacy Jesus.

Oh man! I was hoping you'd end your final sentence with, "but you don't have to take MY word for it!" (dun dun dun!)

OK, since I'm already getting my inbox flooded elsewhere, why not double the fun? (Note: feel free to ignore this, I'm venting because I'm in a shitty mood.)

It's not only that people are collateral damage to their "right." They need gun violence to justify these rights. If gun violence decreased there would be no reason to back up that "need."

26 First graders at Sandy Hook weren't reason enough to control guns.

This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.

I wouldn't have minded a trigger warning for diffy queues.

Damn, those shoes are cute as hell.

Once upon a time in Jezebel land, long before there was kinja and back the comments were kind of intelligent, there was a no body snark policy and that included gossip about potential EDs.

This was actually a lie that I told. When I was four, my aunt got a divorce. My family and I visited Minnesota to visit her, and she took us for a ride in her new speed boat. It was the best thing that had ever happened to my landlocked, Iowan self.