Lydia Deetz

1) The legal firm Dewey, Cheatham & Howe is representing June, how should the legal case against Bob proceed? Incorporate as many legal principles we have discussed in class as possible into your answer.


Nonono. You see, real women, ladies don't get angry. They just titter nervously behind their lacy handkerchiefs or fall into a swoon when someone calls them the C word.

Right? But I can't imagine why young women today are postponing having children! It must be because they're selfish or lazy, or too busy instafacetweeting, am I right?

Did you marry South Park Satan?

Holy fuck I really miss 1996.

Don't do that. The very hardest part of my abortion was the nervous anticipation I had going in based on the assumption that I would be wracked with guilt and emotionally devastated afterward. When all I felt was relief, I promised myself that I would push back against this narrative that abortions are a horrible

See, how it works is, if you're ugly, then your opinions don't matter because ugly women are worthless. And if you're pretty, then your opinions don't matter because pretty women are stupid.

"Because American corporate culture is outdated and inflexible that participation in it has become incompatible with how many people feel it's best to raise their families."

Rick Santorum is absolutely right. They are fucking ruining the heretofore pristine reputation of the YMCA, which used to be such a nice place to get yourself clean, have a good meal, and just do whatever you feel.

No, but it still doesn't mean they aren't doing it because of ingrained patriarchy. How much "choice" do you really have when you born in a family where you are continually told that not wearing it would make you sinful and not wearing it means that you are inviting rape and when you live in a country where not

I'm so sick and tired of this conversation. I've never posted on an article like this before, precisely because I think it's fucking ridiculous (girls have to have a reason to behave "badly", while men are expected to? Give me a break). But, for the sake of my own sanity (and the sanity of all others who feel

I was thoroughly enjoying reading it up until I read:

PS- all children are all id, no superego. Till they start recognizing they are not the center of the omniverse, which for girls is about 7 and boys about 30.

Dear Miley:
Allow me to suggest a tattoo of your parents on your face. That way they'll be together always, and we'll have a constant reminder of who to blame for your incursion into our lives.

Now playing

I will love him and pet him and call him George.

I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"

You spelled it wrong, it's J-a-y-e-d-i-n-n-e-s (the S is silent).

I don't have a problem with this. Being sequestered is very disruptive to a juror's life... I don't begrudge them a few creature comforts just because I don't like the verdict.