Lydia Deetz

Steer clear of these waters, ye of stout heart.

Sorry, I need to have two comments on this article. One is saying that Laura needs to keep gaming, and this is my challenge to the Brotakuites.

I'm actually incredibly heartbroken right now. I grew up in Waco and left for New York at 18. My mom still lives there. My best friends live all over Texas. Women. Men who have women they love. Women and men I've known from childhood.

Quite honestly, comments like this are pretty unhelpful and condescending. It's super easy to be a liberal in a blue state. I know, because I spent a long time living and going to grad school in NYC, before making my home in Austin. What would you like us all to do? Flee like you did, and let the state continue on

If my vagina was a gun, its rights would all be protected, / no matter the body count or the children affected.

He warned us, yet none would heed the warning.

The entire reason that Kermit Gosnell was able to exploit underprivileged women in the first place is that many legitimate, safe, and law abiding clinics are being regulated out of business. Then you create a situation where the only one who can really perform abortion is someone who ignores the hell out of all the

Come to New York! We have bagels!

60 for a woman is like 40 for a man. When it comes to aging - like, legitimate aging - the female body has a way of shutting that whole thing down.

Vanilla. Imagine that.

From your own source:

I work in Alexandria! Welcome to Alexandria as well!!

Now playing

Also incase it get's lost in the comments, here's some video I shot. Much better than the image in the banner.

Katie, this was awesome.

the word itself makes some men uncomfortable.

Female suicide doesn't violate our understanding of femininity; it is one of our core understandings of (white) femininity. From the long, LONG history of "hysteria"; to the institutionalization of women who deviated from the Cult of Domesticity; to the more current genderization of various disorders (especially the

Good luck surviving bar prep!

Just another reason this guy should not be viewed as a hero, good person, or even half way decent human. He did this for himself. It wasn't for the country, definitely not for national security, and is solely for his own feel goods.

Sad. Kids, don't do it. It really does get better. Adults, don't do it either. 1-800-SUICIDE is there to help if nothing else will. Please.

Well, that's not really accurate. A patent on a gene does not affect basic research; a pubmed search returns over 6000 papers on BRCA2. Since this is a naturally occurring sequence in the genome and not man-made, anyone can perform research on it. The issues that are being debated are the *applications* of the gene;