
Nice sexism. You wouldn’t spew that shit without anonymity because you’re a POS.

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

They set the standard of firing people who randomly insult their fans.

It came down to her insulting members of the community. Not in a “I’m insulted by what you said” way, but actual name calling. If you’re speaking on the behalf of the company you work for, you can’t do that.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

She was already on warning after she celebrated Total biscut dying of cancer.

she was being vulgar and a misandrist. using profanity at people being respectful toward you when you misunderstood is just wrong. she deserved to be fired.

How is it nostalgia when millions play on unofficial servers and know exactly what classic wow feels like. People trying to tell people how they feel isn’t right.

This shouldn’t even be a debate, though. If you want classic WoW, you get classic WoW - warts and all. They should only be discussing which 1.x patch to bring the game out on, and then if they are going to eventually patch through the rest of vanilla or not.

If you want modern WoW conveniences, then you play modern

I’ve been excited about the Necro since they announced, but does anyone else feel like $15 for a single class and some arguably completely cosmetic extras is a BIT pricy? The base game & act V expansion are like $40 now, right? Just seems like too much to me.

I’ve been done with Diablo III for a while now, I don’t see myself spending $15 just to replay the same content with a new character class.

Looks great! Still not gonna buy it. I have Grim Dawn to hold me over until Path of Exile releases the next patch which adds six new acts (total of ten) and re-works difficulties.

$15 for a new class? /chortle and /gtfo. Maybe... if it ever goes on sale for like $5? And Necro was my fav class in D2... so that’s gotta say something about this endless cash-grab mode the industry is in.

The graphics seem to get worse and worse as it progresses. They really need to focus on making the shading consistent for the character, enemies and environments as it’s starting to get a “cheap movie CGI” vibe where it doesn’t even look like the character an environments inhabit the same universe.

Yeah I’m with you, unless they’re seriously holding back on us for E3 (which, why would they?) this is really disappointing. Sounds more like an expansion than an actual sequel - low on content and most of the things they’re talking about are incredibly minor quality-of-life improvements.

Only 4 planets? I bet this one will have low content as well. Well, that is the impression. I’ll hold off buying the game before I know more.

I love that they caved on matchmaking. Proves they were morons for ever not including it in the first one.

How is yellow worse than saying white? Humans are all shades of orange, caucasians are not white, snow is white, we are a bit pale pink/orange-ish maybe?
Why is ‘racism’ allowed when it comes to caucasians? we are a global minority, we should be protected against this kind of stuff, right?

It wouldn’t be whitewashing, since manga makes it pretty obvious it takes place in fantasy Europe, with white people, blue eyes and blond hair. So that’s yellowashing, what’s happening here.

Are we outraged about the asianwashing yet?