“Why are they doing this testing with a rust free car?” - Michigan Craigslist user
“Why are they doing this testing with a rust free car?” - Michigan Craigslist user
My towels are incredibly reliable. I’ve dried myself many hundreds (if not thousands) of times, and they’ve not broken down once. No mechanical issues with my work backpack either. My gym water bottle hasn’t needed to go to the garage since I’ve owned it. My running shoes are high mileage at this point and still going…
I’ve got a Chinese laptop which has yet to fail. What more reliable one should I have bought instead?
So... You’re saying that we should have taken this up with the WTO instead of randomly throwing tariffs on products instead?
No You r an idigiot
IKR? He’s literally a religious dictator that has tried to suppress other sects of this faith.
The Dalai Lama is a master marketer, and he’s cultivated a popular image of “Tibet” perhaps even better than Daimler has cultivated the popular image of “Mercedes.”
I think the honor goes to Shuanghuan S-CEO HBJ6474Y. ( the one Clarkson reviewed)
In August, Ford announced it would pay up to $10.1 million to settle a racial- and sexual-harassment investigation…
Exactly, not in Fremont.
Pretty silly logic when you could go look at F150 crash tests from 2003 and think the same thing about American cars. Newer Chinese cars score very well, much like how newer Fords score a lot better than that 2003 F150 that bombed the crash tests.
I’m assuming you hate the iPhone for being made in China as well?
I also assume if the Chinese built Ferrari-equivalents you would still think its junk?
Jalopnik commentator logic; hates Chinese cars, loves Volvo.
I was like Meh... until I saw the passenger seat in full recline mode and then I was like 0.0
Damn, That thing looks actually really nice. Its not stunningly beautiful or anything but the design language they’ve got going is pretty good. Classy but not too showy. That interior is quite excellent as well
I agree with everything your saying except....this knockoff has a better and more reliable engine than the land Rover. It’s a really old design that came in the DSM Eclipse and many other cars for years but pretty damn reliable compared to the Land Rover.
Since when did Land Rover have a monopoly on shitty engineering? If second rate Chinese automakers want to copy the the most unreliable automaker outside of the former Eastern Bloc, who are we to criticize? Geely and Toyota don’t mind.
Hey maybe the Chinese Land Rover is more reliable than the real one