pumpkinfuhrer. thank you. i now have my preferred term for our brave leader.
pumpkinfuhrer. thank you. i now have my preferred term for our brave leader.
where was this shot of christine???
no, the last time lilly was seen in the finale was in the very last scene, when kevin comes back to the house to find his entire family there. tommy is holding her. so they definitely made it off the bridge and back to the garvey house.
i miss desmond.
or it could be nora's great great great grandmother…
not focusing on looks, i think aniston is one of the great comediannes of our time (not including the stellar women from recent SNL seasons… like kate mckinnon, omg).
what? how old is that actress?
i'm going with ghost.
plumbing the darkest depths of human psychology and spirituality when the laws of nature that everyone has ever known fall out from underneath them.
let the mystery be.
TWIN PEAKS! words cannot describe my anticipation.
"you want to destroy families"
"fuck, write that down, that's brilliant!"
what? everyone doesn't watch it on hbonow?
lol., paw. i cracked up too.
yep. how are hindus dealing with it? buddhists? pagans? jews?
nah. they're all family. they're past that petty shit. i think it was totally appropriate.
wait… the knick ended??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
to be clear, andre holland's character was not on cocaine and morphine, and thackery was withdrawing from it (i think???)
i felt guilty about enjoying the drone kill the GR in the same way i felt guilty about thinking bin laden's death was good news. i mean, clearly he was a terrible murderer, but cheering ANYONE'S death makes me feel like a horible person. it was like people felt like because they killed this one guy who planned 911,…
the pigeons' notes all say "4 8 15 16 23 42"