did they chain smoke too?
did they chain smoke too?
i thought it was that 1844 woman too… until she turned around.
if you're taking about game of thrones… yes there are boobs but those women are POWERFUL. riding dragons, poisoning prices, and blowing up temples show some serious agency on the part of the female characters. but then, as any avid game of thrones fan will superciliously tell you: "you really need to read the…
it was actually mapleton porn.
hey, women have been objectified for their looks for 10K years and going strong. it's time we get some!
yeah, and he married jennifer aniston. take that, brangelina!
OMG yeah! thank you!
i wonder if she IS a "lens" - or something else that they couldn't define properly when they told her she was a lens.
i don't know if this is relevant, but "sarah" was the new name given to all women who converted to judaism, back in the day (and maybe now, in some orthodox sects). not sure if that plays into the show at all, but i noticed it.
oh god. evangeline lilly. ugh. thanks for putting that in my brain.
the dog took that sandwich. but dogs love sandwiches. and peanut butter. still, that was creepy. bad dog.
i don't think you're supposed to exactly "enjoy" this show. it's a fascinating look at the human psyche, and it's one of my favorite shows, but it is BLEAK and it makes you feel bad about the world. it's hard to binge watch… can bring on depressive episodes. they should put a warning before each episode: "do not…
that's terrible. i never heard about that :( how tragic and horrific. go 'merica!
please finally nominate it for an emmy or GG!
azrael is gargamel's cat (for those of you not old enough, google it).
it is. then, he made sense (though i was never sure if he was real). now, we know he's real, and that he went crazy… or did he? a dog is our president? hmm…
LOVE that freaking song so much!
yeah, also, michael went in the water, and then more people went into the water after kevin and michael, and it doesn't appear that any of them got sick or died. it makes sense as a protest. symbolic n shit.
no, just a weird person :p do you dip your fries in milkshakes, too?
this isn't mentioned in the review, but WHERE THE HELL IS LILLY? did christine come and claim her? did nora get in a car accident (thus the cast) and lilly died? did nora have to give her up after it was discovered that she was wayne's baby? wtf? this page is loading weirdly for me for some reason and i can't…