agreed. 1) it's not "magic negro" it's "magical negro," and 2) he's british, not an old wise african-american guy with an old timey southern accent.
agreed. 1) it's not "magic negro" it's "magical negro," and 2) he's british, not an old wise african-american guy with an old timey southern accent.
i wondered that too. maybe because she lost her entire family, they felt guilty and just gave it to her. but still, i have wondered the same thing several times.
that was the funniest thing ever… moms judge each other all the time for letting their kids eat non-organic this, or too much that, or SUGAR! i know it was a painful moment for both of them but i couldn't help but laugh as i imagined another liberal mom yelling at me "your kid disappeared because you let her try eggs…
something about the questionnaires being burned outside of tampa and how in israel mossad was experimenting with plasma rays that could incinerate people with hardly any residue, i think. closed captioning is my my friend.
i think it might be about chuck's guilt. the BDSM/submissive activity is his way of punishing himself for often taking actions in the name of "justice" that destroy people's lives.
i thought so too, i was waiting for that! like to a trans/non-binary youth support group or something. it was weird that they didn't include that, i thought. but maybe they are trying to make a larger point, that what's going on with taylor isn't really about their gender-identification, but their inner struggles…
"It's insulting to be asked to play make believe with other adults too."
the people, oh how they love to "other-ize."
oh never mind, silly me:
so i haven't read all the posts so i may be repeating something. but i remember the summer olympics in 1984, in LA. The USSR (and many other countries) boycotted, and mary lou retton became my personal gymnastics hero.
ouch. :p
i've never trusted that guy since he played jim carrey's traitorous "best friend" in the truman show.
it was nice to see herschel with his head still attached though.
i know… like, what "earns" a school shooting?
isn't the iliad just the story of the trojan war?
noooooo don't ruin UKS for me!
heh, my thought exactly.
because, unfortunately, it has become so common :( i don't live in middle america, we're in the bay area, but my 5 year old just had to go through a lockdown at her elementary school this week because there was a "potential" gunman at the school… turned out to be nothing, i guess? (i need to find out the details,…
also, why would the other 4 DO the movements with him? they don't want to help him. but i guess if they think they might be transported to another dimension where they're not captives eating cat food, that would have been some strong motivation to at least try,,,?
i totally thought the shooter would be homer too.