that is definitely not kosher.
that is definitely not kosher.
and also "yeah, i'll eat some poop if i get to do pink cocaine."
Thanks! I was just…
"Is she though?" ;)
I thought the dirty dancing resort was n the borscht belt.
I think again it's because ninjas are "allowed" to be violent by the parents of our culture (much like Jedis) so it's crazy popular for boys (and girls) who don't get violent content anywhere else. And by violent I don't mean "bad"
I just mean "use weapons and kick bad people" :)
Yep, I'm 40 now ;) and I was a freshman in high school when they first came out. It was originally kind of an "action" thing, so some of my friends were into it, though now (I think) it's just young kids.
But we have black, Asian, Latino, native, etc actors playing traditionally white roles as well (like modern Shakespeare adaptations and these new marvel shows… On Netflix!) I think it's cool when a role can be, I dunno, fluid? Now if we could just get actual equal representation in media then any race could play any…
It does not make you unmanly or weak, no. Also, by pussy do you mean feminine? If so I wouldn't worry about it because, as the opening song clearly states, females are strong as hell! :)
It's actually upper middle class.
I need to see that South Park. Was it insightful or tone deaf?
To me it doesn't come off as whiny, but impatient, like "yes, we get it, we're playing with racial stereotypes in a comedic manner which brings the ridiculousness of those stereotypes into the limelight, but we don't actually believe native American people are noble savages, can we please just do our show?"
I think "what white nonsense is this" was actually a quote from the show.
WHEN trump doesn't win. Mantra.
Outrage culture. I like that term. For me I think it's a good way to describe SJW zealots or people who don't consider all the angles before being automatically and blindly triggered into outraged. There are some things, though, that legitimately deserve outrage. UKS's storyline is not one of them, imo. Genocide and…
I think the fact that we're having more and more detailed conversations about race (in the US) every year, esp now, in an almost-post-Obama culture and with the entry of T-oldemort onto the national stage (gods save us all), is a really good thing. For too many decades we've kind of ignored it since civil rights were…
I was totally confused by that too. Did she achieve enlightenment or go to heaven? Or was her existence erased because the "offensive"isms cancelled each other out?
But, often the Internet IS dumb and mean. Clearly, not always, as proven by the delightful, troll free comments here :) it's the nicest comment thread(s) I've seen in years! Yay humanity.
IS cate blanchett great or just tall? Now they have me thinking about it.