
was that seriously 16 years ago?

i'll tell you… i've been binge-watching this show (starting with Season 1) over the past week and trying to quit smoking at the same time, and GODDAMN those fucking GR people make it hard to quit. it's even worse than mad men. the GR is annoying, and hostile, and awful, but the main reason i'm glad to see them gone

i love this new song, but then:

love your posts, btw. collectively, i've probably read your words for about 2 hours over the past 3 days.

lol. that's the goddess to you, sir alien ;)

sonia, if you're reading this, i coincidentally, just yesterday, read a salon article about trump and megyn kelly prior to last night's debate (what an insane shit show) and then saw that YOU were the writer! i'm glad to see you've moved on and are doing well :)

ok, i just made an account to say a few things. my first post is on "no room at the inn." i wanted to put one on "the garveys at their best" but i see it was shut down after reading like 1000+ comments of craziness. but here's what i wanted to say.

the bird came back to life in S2E1. there are clearly miracles in miracle.

oh dear god. i know this is 4 months late and most people won't read it. but i had to create an account to say SOME THINGS.