
Dollar Dollar bills y'all.

The front looks like a Lotus Evora and Ford GT.

A secondary lesson this kid will learn is conversion factors from mph to km/h.

Although I like the idea of C&C, this meet in particular I am not upset it's closing. If I want to see a bunch of exotics not driving, then I will go to the Petersen Museum, or any other car museum. The meets where people build and drive their own cars are much more fun. My opinion stems from the difference of

I bet you own a Camaro.

Let's start with the seat.....

Dats dat WHOO WHOO. Nahm sayin?

I remember seeing SMS Challengers at the LA Autoshow a few years back. Maybe a day late and a buck short. Especially if they were doing poorly during that time, they would have no money to invest.

Your response to the second post. At least that is how I interpret it, seeing how there is no additional clarification.

I agree with you on the Caravan. My neighbors that we carpooled with for 9 years had two of them. An 85 then later a 93. As for the Suburban, yeah but I think the Explorer kicked off the SUV craze, while Suburban sales picked up because of it. Though Suburban was definitely first.

OTC as in the tool company?

Right. The business model and operations failed. How is this the Mustang's fault?

From the inside it sounds and looks like he is engaged in a mean snowball fight.

I has this same train of thought when the first one came out. Then the second one came out and was worse than the first. Then I accepted that these movies are Hollywood and not documentaries. After that occurred, all the movies became much more enjoyable because I could laugh at them. I rarely go to the theater

That is a nice Suzuki Sidekick.

Then you must be a virtual car guy.

I concur. I am native born and English is my primary language. I also cringe at misspellings.

Mystichrome. Nice touch, 2004 exclusive color.

How about 4.6L with DOHC?