Both groups went on hundreds of escort missions, so that’s a fair mistake.
Both groups went on hundreds of escort missions, so that’s a fair mistake.
I would be far more hurt if any of my children turn out to be Republicans.- I would take to my bed ,rend my garment and there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Salty, you hit the nail on the head. The only reason to do this is if there is no changing table of any arguable sort in the bathroom. Establishments with high chairs but not even a chest of drawers to change on in the bathroom, when there is room for one? Asking me to change a diaper on a gross bathroom floor is…
Coming from a Nationals and DC sports fan in general, and with respect, but Joe Maddon can shut right the fuck up about calls he doesn’t like that impact a game.
son buenos perros, Breñt
FRIDAY SAMER: “Barstool Stars”
He didn’t even have to use his AK!
More raisist than sexist but whatever.
Counterpoint: Fuck the Pens.
Bright Angel Campground may have fewer people than the rim of Grand Canyon, but it’s pretty far from hidden or secret. It’s by far the most-used campground below the rim, and got almost 23,000 visitors in 2015 (the latest year that stats are available). There’s a reason that’s the middle of what are termed ‘corridor’…
You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.
just turn field hockey into lacrosse with their same goals and everyone will be happy... or hurling