
Anyone who takes a photo of themselves squatting on the roof of their private jet is a fucking douche.

Honda should just build their own car, they’ve done it before as a prototype test-bed for their engines.

Travis Kalanick is/was much much more of a douche than Elon Musk will ever be.

She asked for a “Significant” raise. I’s sure being PA to a billionaire she wasn’t scraping penny’s to pay her rent. How much “Significant” is no one know, but it was obviously significant enough for him to re-evaluate the potential cost of what might be a vital employee.

A few things.

Thought so.

We’re not talking about the US.

I’m not talking about 100 years ago, I’m talking about now. Also of all the wealthy white people I know, very few of them have “dynastic wealth”,It’s all from businesses they themselves have built with the government’s BEE system stacked against them. I know of a particular business with 5 employees, 2 of which are

How is anything I’ve said racist?

The only reason a higher percentage of white people are “wealthy” is because they plan for the future. Trust me there are plenty of very very wealthy Black and Indian people in South Africa (ever heard of the Gupta’s?)

Either you’re a liar or just ignorant. I am South African and white people make up roughly 10% of the population, which is obviously not a significant portion.

The big difference is that in the US, black people are a minority, in South Africa they’re the overwhelming majority and they’re the ruling party and economy and infrastructure is the worst its ever been.

What this story doesn’t include is how EVERYONE was given gloves by the staff, not just her.

It must be super embarrassing being the guy killed by the record sniper shot. You’re standing trying to organise a Gihad with no enemy around for miles, the next fraction of a millisecond you find yourself half dead and you think with the still intact bits of your brain....”aww fuck, I’m the new record!” Dead.

Its an action franchise that revolves around cars, ridiculous car chases, fight scene’s and explosions and she’s complaining it’s too masculine?

I believe the proper medical term is “tum tum”.

I don’t like either of them but I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for them to “ram each other” when they’re both traveling in the same direction.

Fuck Uber. My old MD used Uber as an example of ‘the future’ of business before a whole bunch of us were retrenched. A year later and Uber continue to bleed money at a rate of 10's of millions of dollars a month, must be how ‘the future’ of business works.

I find it hilarious that no one turned of the music off...

“Cause of the accident is still being investigated”