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    I’m ok with that ... I mean ... What’s wrong with being pussy? I’m a dude and to be honest I would rather a pussy than a dick ....

    Clarence Thomas, the whitest black-guy in America dissented? What a shock.

    Ok.... So why is this important or relevant to my life?

    He looks rational enough to me, lets execute him.

    I’m in CA and its cool with me, when motorcycles weave in and out of traffic. I think its a smart way to commute. What riles me up is when I show respect to the motorcycle guy coming up on my driver side of the car. I usually lean to the right of my lane to give him room. To me I think it’s showing respect to him. But

    Hey gawker ... Maybe it’s not a good idea to tell everyone you will win in an appeal right after the initial verdict last week cause it implies the jury are wrong and probably are a bunch of idiots for voting against you .... Which may explain why they tagged on $25.1 million in punitive damages ..... You might have

    A real post racial America is when rich black and white folks disagree with poor black and white folks...see? America isn't racist.

    yeah that or ...not all that many white folks really care...

    “oral argument”

    Come on yeah it’s humor I get it, but its low cunning if you ask me. Trying to be “political” just as Bush the younger is recruiting his parents to campaign for him in the primaries which also explains the “about bush’s moms fashion” sense..(snicker snicker?) ..... A bit lowly Don’t you think?

    Oh I see, like this?

    Yeah but it’s like 20 something years old... Ok it's funny but why bring it up now?


    I’m curious why this story is even relevant today? Other than the fact that Jeb Bush might be having his dad help him with the New Hampshire primaries ? So is this story supposed to denigrate Bush the elder before he gets a chance to campaign for Bush the younger ?

    I’m assuming there’s a really really small package behind this package.

    I blame whoever place the country sticker on the result card.... I mean seriously.......whoever placed the sticker should have placed the sticker of Miss Philippines before Miss Universe to avoid all doubt...

    Oh man, when I see her and think, Hewlett Packard board voted this lady to be their CEO...is this lazy if this nuts what does that say about HP board members and corporate america? ....Seriously, either she’s desperate for attention or she’s a nutter.... hmmmm... probably both....


    Damn, How fucked up are you as a business man that Switzerland will open a criminal mismanagement investigation on his ass ? Seriously Switzerland wouldn’t even prosecute former nazis but damn, but investigation for criminal mismanagement ? Holy shit ....he's fucked ...

    Yes vote but also donate a few bucks to your candidate and causes, cause unfortunately “they” the republicans/evangelicals/teabaggers/hyprocrithaters/morons have more money than people behind them..... Fortunately, the silent majority mostly don’t agree with them, but probably invest fewer money than the