
I am not drinking dog pee.

I tried the bio-mimetic substrate but my lover could not stand the heat :(

Rocket Scientist - NASA + Wall Street = 15 Trillion in Debt

Yeah he looks like hes saying .. I was kidding about not thinking what Jobs would do. YOU BETTER FREAKING THINK ABOUT IT !

I could not believe the first apple laptop with wireless was in 1999. At this rate we will have flying cars in the year 2065 EZ!

Mobile me " find my iphone " would have done the same thing?

Could i not just get more money from CraigsList? Am i missing something ?

I think it was a glitch caused by the editor getting their information from the onion/twitter .

Yeah i want to know about that post as well ? It seemed as Gizmodo was hacked for a sec as well ?

They are obviously using smoke signals. Prob should stop the fires as well.

So this is only for people who use Gmail and have a populated Gmail address book. I must be in the minority ? Also kinda looks like Wave for Dummies ?

My mom loves it. She giggles when she uses it .

is that squeezing ? or squirting ?

This will not work in NYC since service is too spotty and whats the point when you can buy 160GB Ipod and take all your music with you ? Even cars are coming with large HD's for your music.

I hope this gets apple stock out of the slump its experiencing the last month.

Brighter ? I never have my current Iphone on the max brightness. Full disclosure .. I am a vampire.

If they make one mistake they will be sued for millions !

DirectTV is much safer.

not to mention how will I put this in my pocket ?
