
Glad we got our Galaxy S updates in Canada

@indiefab: the little dot sucks, come on now

I have an HTPC and this sounds like a good thing. Right now I run a 30ft HDMI cable from another room to the tv to keep it out of sight

@DaCrusher: FYI, Windows 7 is out now, in case you were under a rock

Everyone hoped and payed that iTunes10 would be sleeker and less bloated, but now all they did was make the album art smaller (wtf) and add even more bloatware (ping)

@Patrick McNally: I have them...what's the problem? It's just a program can find them in the Games section, drag and drop over

it's a def leppard album! no wait

Looks like a VAIO, not a Macbook at all....Gary, learn your laptops

@superberg: If you honestly think homosexualists are "born that way" then you need to read a few books and then come back here. It's a choice, just as getting married is a choice (unless you're Indian)

@triggerx: you cant download music on a zune pass on xbox, just stream

but i can still stream off my network and play it in the background

Until they start broadcasting sports games / post-game shows on FM then AM is still king for me