
I hope you’re not talking about the national treasure that is Gail Collins. She is sunshine and laughter and acid and elegance and warm absurdity and I won’t hear a damn word said against that lady. She is the best.

Please explain to me why, in Dowd’s terms, Bill Clinton’s wife, daughter and female subordinates were humiliated by his actions? Why are they morally responsible for it? That’s a whole lot of tongue clicking on why a woman can’t keep her man in line.

It would probably be a significant mistake for Obama to make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court, and for all kinds of reasons:

Even using the term “debate” gives far too much power to the right-wing jackholes in Congress.

Wow look how happy it makes those men to take choices away from women.

10/10 could be a 30 Rock parody of a Garry Marshall movie.

“Choosing your choice” is lazy feminism at best.

AMEN. This is what bugs me about “choice feminism” - choices are great, obviously, and anyone should be free to make whatever choices they want regardless of gender (as long as they’re not hurting others). But feminism is more than that, and I hate seeing it reduced to “I chose to do this, therefore it’s a feminist

The feminist act was performed by the 2nd wavers who challenged the credit card companies and got the laws changed.

It’s true that women getting to choose how to live is one of the end goals of feminism, but it’s pretty meaningless if that’s the whole definition. In my view, it’s much more meaningful to say that feminism is recognizing that there are systemic issues that keep women from being able to live how they want, and working

That’s Choice Feminism, which does diddly to advance the interests of women as a class.

Feminism is about the liberation of women from patriarchy.

No, but you should consider the implications of the name for the child. They have to live in the world outside of your ego.

“What I name my kids is my fucking business.” I don’t understand as that implies it is something private. It’s the least private thing in the world.

There very well be mental illness at play here. But mental illness doesn’t equal violence. Plus, as Obama noted a few years ago, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on mental illness. We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that

Mentally ill or no, the rhetoric used by the GOP and far right’s antichoice attempt at a Planned Parenthood smear campaign worked on this man just like it works on people who wouldn’t go so far as to actually commit murder. People are genuinely thrilled this happened. I wish the anti choice bigots spreading messages

Alternative clue thread:

Agree with her, of course— just want to make the observation that the “retort” she posted is originally the work of Rosea Lake, an art student (at the time) who made the picture.

Everyone judges. It’s how we navigate this world.

Fun fact, a ‘unit’ of botox is actually called a “mouse unit.” It is called a mouse unit because it contains the amount of botulinum toxin required to kill 50% of a group of 18-20 gram female Swiss-Webster mice (median intraperitoneal lethal dose).