
Of course, Louis C.K. is all too aware of the television double standard where average looking dudes get to hook up with modelesque women (last week's episode was about him hooking up with an actual model) and how women like Vanessa are rarely represented, especially not as a love interest. This episode, proving

My friends have explicit instructions to deactive my social media profiles when I die.

Are you for real?

It's not so much Old Fashioned WASP-y as it is Aspirational Southern Housewife-y. It celebrates new money and gratuitous displays of wealth. My boyfriend is the archetypal nice WASP from Cape Cod and his entire family (pretty much your standard Kennedy Democrats with a sailboat/tennis court/purebred hunting dogs they

I tend to automatically admire and/or compliment other women for noticeable markers of having put in effort, whether in clothes, hair, makeup, etc., without really considering if I objectively find it attractive. I'm honestly not sure if it's because I know that it's always nice to be complimented on something you put

A woman is dead and has grieving family and friends, so I don't want to snark, but goddamn do I want to snark.

Please, these individuals are active participants in advancing patriarchal and dehumanizing expectations of women. They are not free and liberated, and they emobdy the most harmful kind of bullshit.

I hope whoever adopts the dog will bring him for frequent visits, especially if this poor woman will soon be in hospice. If I were dying, I'd want that comfort so badly. What a selfless soul to do this for her best bud. Sniff.

You totally misunderstood the article. Its not about acceptance, its about traits that are common on bodies of WOC only being celebrated or appreciated when they're on a white woman.

"All this is is some Christoper Columbus shit: White people thinking that simply because they just discovered something, it must be new."

Hi Madeleine. What I actually would like to clarify is that I was saying something specific in that interview, something not connected to this post's confusing headline: I was thinking out loud about the fact that many of the groundbreaking early shows of the so-called Golden Age, in the late 90s/early 00s, were

Not all criticism comes from jealousy and if you have to reach for that defence, you're being defensive. You've participated, I suppose?

When I help you learn to mend your own clothes (instead of just doing it for you because I know how) it's so you can learn a skill that was never asked of you because it is traditionally female. Feminism means breaking down and undoing traditional gender roles. Feminism does not mean perpetuating traditional gender

This only justifies and further entrenches the outcomes of socialized gender differences that we've grown comfortable with. I don't think justifying traditionally gendered actions does anything to clarify what feminism is and is not. FAIL.

As a name-sharer with this cat AND a fan of My Cat From Hell, I am quite optimistic that this is a good step. Spoiler alert: on that show, it is ALWAYS the behavior of the owners that has to change to change the cat's behavior. So if the family has turned Lux over to a shelter and they won't be the people working with

I gave one of these to my 16 year-old son as a reminder to treat no one more like a Queen than his mother.

But why is it that her "agency" leads to her perform a male-gaze-centric idea of femininity? Agency is great and all, but it isn't the be all/end all of feminism, it's merely a very tiny first step. The next step would be imagining what types of agency are better than others and what ways public discourse and social

"We were barely tolerant of Hillary Clinton's gung-ho, policy-oriented style of being a First Lady when her husband was in office. "

This comment—and the idea that it's supposed to be a defense of selfies—makes me really sad.

I always tell them there is more to life than being pretty, and try to focus compliments on stuff they DO rather than that they ARE. Cause you can't control how smart or pretty etc. you are, but you can control what you do - like being nice, reading a book, doing your homework, etc.