
I genuinely can’t imagine that anybody capable of reading period, let alone reading this article, would have even the slightest problem with this game’s Elite Four.

I personally play PS5 on a 1440p monitor, so this is definitely a welcomed addition. Sony might also see the data and found out more and more people using monitors instead TV to play on PS5. Wouldn’t be surprised in the era of streamers since most of them will use monitors instead of TVs to play and stream.

Wouldn’t removing SBMM from casual play make it much worse?
You’d instead get much swingier matches with even greater skill gaps in both directions,you’d end up getting killed faster by players way way better than you, while also preying on players way way worse than you.
The end result being that newer players just

The removal of chip kills by any other means that Critical Art (Super) is one of the best changes Street Fighter V introduced. No more lame fireball chip outs.

I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.

Agree. There’s nuance here that is reflexively overlooked in favor of lumping together those with different opinions into one big group and calling them bigots.

If this was about professional sports that might be a valid line of discussion. This is not about professional sports.  This is about students, at school.

I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

This is a bad take. It’s cool that you’re pumped to see Jolteon and Hitmonlee and Rhydon roaming around the wild area. It is equally cool for someone to be upset that they don’t see Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Beedrill roaming around. I see a lot of these pieces that are framed like “Well you would never catch all 900+

Kind of extremely over this regular exchange between nerds and nerd media.

Counterpoint. No.


They aren’t remaking the models, they made models with Creatures inc back in 2013 that will scale for many generations, they are still using them.

Sorry friend but it sounds like you have an agenda against the guy. I have read multiple reports and not a single one said people told him it was illegal before he did it. He went into the bathroom before anyone could say anything because it was an IRL stream. So I am not sure how you have that info.

He did do it on

Thing is, everyone has a favorite pokemon and as of now they are all up in the air. Mine is groudon. I have a shiny one that I spent eight years finding and now I don’t know if I’ll have to leave it behind, and for me that is a buy-or-not-buy point. Sure, if your favorite has been seen already, you’re in the clear but

What an incredibly stupid, short-sighted design choice. Do GameFreak not understand that a huge portion of their fan base play to “catch ‘em all”? Why build Pokemon Home to be capable of importing your Pokemon Bank ‘mon, but not allow them to move forward?

It’s just a disappointing decision. Pokemon is literally the biggest entertainment franchise in all of media. Every entry sells millions of copies, many over 10 million copies. It’s not like GameFreak is spending dev time working on amazing graphics, or massive open worlds, or complex physics and interactions, or

This is kind of a bummer. S&S is the first true foray into Pokemon on the big screen with the full Gameboy experience of the entirety of the battle engine as it has existed, along with capturing pokemon from all over. While other games have come close, this is the real deal of the full experience mirrored completely.

Another thing to note. Though Faze has supposedly not taken money from all the places they could...they’re still legally entitled to it. The contract states that when the contract is ended Tfue is required to pay up. This would be (assuming that Faze is telling the truth and they haven’t collected anything) from the