Lux Lisbon 2

Crispin Glover said in an interview that Lynch also had a paperweight of a dead crow. Not surprisingly, Crispin really liked it.

Log Lady + woods of Twin Peaks —> Woody dolls —> Fire Walk with Me and Crispin Glover. Can someone check my math?

I want a slideshow of pics of him with those dolls with "These Are My Friends" from Sweeney Todd in the background.

I can't reasonably imagine anyone pronouncing it any other way. Ditto to "Zoe" and people still do the dots on that as well.

That Nikl Nip habit.

(Cooking turnips and potatoes) Guess we've created some kinda monster…mash?

The Wolfman can't stand to fly: he's not that naive.

Like heck Universal is going to let those recognizable properties from public domain literature go quietly into the night.

Everyone in the club looks like the cast of River's Edge.

"I like it!" - one guy's girlfriend

Maybe it's because I'm bi, but I think it's weird that everyone is seeing this as "Aw, Lorde asked a normie" and not even entertaining that Lorde was asking a woman out romantically.

Served in a Isabella Rossellini commemorative mug.

No, that's when Annie Clark invites you.

He gets super tan because Tatooine has two suns.

(Crispin Glover shrieks "BEN")

"I doubt it." - everyone who ever knew Kylo

As long as I can hug Domhnall Gleason, I'm good. He looks like a human cashmere sweater.

His credits didn't even transfer!

It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.

He looks like he's made of elbows, why would I want to hug him?