fiat lux

Ugh, nice guy syndrome is a load of bull too. How about try to be a good guy instead of a nice guy? It's like the universe owes you something since you're nice every once and a while to get what you want. If you're a good guy, you understand the universe doesn't owe you shit and you're nice no matter what.

Yeah I have a lot of (I really can't tell you an exact number) of platonic female friends. They all know I've been dating the same lovely woman for 13 years, so that helps keep the sexual tension to a minimum. And my gf is either friends with them herself, or trusts my judgement, not to befriend girls who are going to

I have plenty of guy friends who have no romantic feelings towards me and vice versa! I honestly don't think it's as unusual as people think. I've had plenty of good experiences with "just friend" guys, so I'm very open to becoming friends with anyone and not expecting ulterior motives from them. And I've had many

Frozen Yogurt?

The friend-zone only exists because we allow it to exist.

It would have been better if she had Shan Yu's sword.

Shirts are apparently the first things to go during a zombie apocalypse.

Regardless, the art is good and the ideas are clever. I would have preferred Snow to be surrounding by a cadre of elite zombie-killing murder deers, or 'Murdeers' if you will.

Keep on shining you diamond.

Now playing

Last year I pretty much watched all documentaries by Herzog. And damn how much I "enjoyed" them. I love how he interviews people, and brings out their emotions. And his basic and personal approach in making documentaries really gives them their own touch. Not to mention the subjects he brings up are often as

Clearly, this problem occurs in the same universe where nobody knows how to eat anything.

Thank you.

K, unpopular opinion time: when I was in high school in a different city, I volunteered heavily with the local public library and put on tons of events like this, with equally embarrassing advertising. The library was an amazing safe space for kids who maybe weren't the most socially adept, or who were really bright

"Anna Kendrick? Pffft. Her whole, 'funny, talented, cute' persona is obviously an act and I'm sick of it.'"

She's totally, like, one of the top five DJs in the world.

For the Greek mythology reference in the last item.

Regarding my points not having to do with anything, let's be honest: the question of the article was whether he was obligated. My question is where he might be, and how. I mean, where's the fun in just saying, "no" or "yes" if we don't actually explore any of it? That would be a boring comments section...

I've had that same thought before myself, and I actually do have a slight theory as to why that is. Cumberbatch comes across in the interviews I've heard/seen as much more reserved and reined in than Hiddleston. It's pretty much a given that Hiddleston will enthusiastically geek out over something (Shakespeare,