fiat lux

So... no one is going to talk about THX 1138 ? I don't think you can call yourself a Star Wars fan (or a film nerd) until you have seen it.

That something I wondered about- that the writer could avoid the feeling of bitch stigma by opening up a dialogue on boundaries in general. Then going over her own boundaries, so everyone is on the same page. So many dysfunctional group situations result from people not expressing their expectations, or not having a

Its actually about ethics in game journalism !

That would be interesting - I would love to know exactly how much similarity there is between the screenplay to 1954's Valley of the Kings

This was bothering me yesterday - any superbeing (superman or otherwise) that is shown not needing to breathe for extended periods of time - is essentially denying that that being has oxygenated blood. The lungs are the body's oxygen exchange mechanism, so if oxygen is unnecessary, then barring some form of magic, any

Bat shark repellent ! You never know when it might come in handy.

No juice cleanses, though. Those are a tool of the patriarchy.

This is by far the best description, and comment, in the whole thread. If someone asks me what GG is now I can just tell them it's guys with Member's Only jackets, but on the internet. And "The Balrog'".

Yes, exactly - and its hard to ignore the fact that internet piracy means movie goers will only pay cash to see films in theaters that do destroy the world (and look good in 3D). Until alternate distribution channels pay the bills, the internet has its share of blame for the "world crushing movie" trend.

Approaches: "I'm a person, you're a person, lets chat " would work on me.

If I could star this a thousand times I would. No one owes anyone anything for "niceness"

He really brings something kooky live - he talked to the audience about how Detroit was becoming like Escape From New York, and microwaves of the rich and famous, when I saw him at JFL.

I'm not saying a strong woman cannot use a longsword or machete to do the same thing, but I couldn't, so I would just say its an over-all win win for weight and head slicing.

Lazy, sure - but katanas are purportedly one of the few weapons capable of cutting through bone with a single strike, so maybe not such a bad zombie-killer.

I thought you'd be taller.

I see your Spike Jonze, and raise you Michel Gondry.

How could any film with Donald Pleasence in it go straight to video !

Don't you think the bare-bones grittyness is part of the charm ? I'm glad the BART futuristic subway/bankrobbery scene isn't in the theatrical cut of the film because it ruins it for me, it's too good looking to be dystopian future tech.