
If you don’t see the point in establishing comforting human solidarity in times of extreme existential stress, I doubt anybody here can explain it to you in any form you will deign to understand. Could you let it drop please? Or start bugging someone else, like a white woman like me, who is not being confronted with

This seems to be pretty typical of Trump supporters. If they start gunning people down in the streets because their candidate didn’t win, they are patriots. If the people who disagree with them do anything short of hailing Trump as our lord and savior, we deserve to murdered in cold blood.

A conservative friend who has been posting stupid anti-Hillary stuff for a while went on a rant about how the “Not my President” people are the reason our country is divided and that they’re the real problem.

Sure. Right. It’s not like the President-Elect spent five years questioning the citizenship of the sitting

I would also argue that the high school kids didn’t get to really have a say so this is one way they can handle their grief.

Yeah, I’m done with her. She asks why people do something, people explain why they do it, and she tells them they’re wrong because *she* doesn’t do it. And now I’m taking my up-since-four-a.m. ass to bed and see what fresh hell my notifications look like when I get up. Fun times!

Yes, it is just you! Finally, you get it. Good for you. I hope your find your internet cookie some day. You are trying to separate actions from emotions here, though, and that is the entire problem. Actions are being driven by emotions here. If you can’t understand that, I don’t think you really understand protesting.

I would care because people are allowed to peacefully protest. The fact that you would mock and laugh says more about you than the protesters.

How many of their rights did Clinton threaten? Now ask yourself again why they might be protesting Trump?

If you choose to believe that it’s impossible for anyone who doesn’t support Trump to behave in a different manner than you, that’s certainly your prerogative. But it doesn’t make it true.

“Honest question” sure turned into gaslighting us and explaining why we’re wrong and not allowed to have our emotions rather quickly, didn’t it?

White people telling people of color to “calm down, it’s no big deal”.

I’m donating AND I protested. The two are not mutually exclusive. The protesting was about feeling solidarity, being reminded that there are people in my community who share my values and that despite how I have felt since last night, I’m welcome as an immigrant and valued as a woman. Of course the President-elect

JFC, now you are comparing Obama to Trump? Really? JFC.

It has been literally less than twenty-four hours. What you are seeing is the second classic stage of the grieving process: Rage. The first was denial, which we saw last night when we could not believe the election returns. If you want instant useful action, you’re going to have to do it your own damned self for a bit

Nobody is disputing the RESULT OF THE ELECTION, genius. They are disputing that that racist misogynist sexist xenophobic sexual predator represents us. Stop trying to pretend that he’s just another republican like Romney or McCain. He’s not.

Nobody’s rights would have been infringed upon per Clinton’s policies. A Trump presidency will cost people their lives. They’re protesting the racist, bigoted, hateful, sexist, xenophobic, and life threatening administration that is taking office in a few months. They’re trying to get their voices heard before

Are we even sure the results are “accurate?” I wouldn’t put it past this bastard to scream about a rigged election for weeks while his “apprentice” Russian hackers assured he would roll on in. I was sick as hell last night and couldn’t even watch but what happened to the black and hispanic vote that was supposed to

Well goodie for you. I feel a bit more worked up about a fascist in the White House. The letter writing and rep contacting can come later. The Trump backers would probably have signs like this, and I’d probably mock them, but at least I know my one-day window protest isn’t fueled by hate. Just despair.

Oh God if ONLY we could prove he bribed Comey, or worked with the Russian hackers. The idea of him being sent to prison would almost make this worth it.

Sure, you mean like when Obama said Mexicans are rapists and called a rival a nasty woman that he was going to send to prison? Or that he would deport Muslims by the millions. If you can’t see the difference between Obama and Trump, or Clinton and Trump, I’m not really sure what to tell you.