Felanius Kootea

It’s that attitude that brought us 8 years of GWB, more right wing supreme court justices, two disastrous wars, and diminished reproductive rights for women. I don’t even want to be around to find out what Trump would bring. Susan Sarandon - I love Bernie too but you need to get it together woman.

No it doesn’t. That was exactly the argument that led enough people in Florida to vote for Nader over Gore that the Supreme Court had to weigh in, with horrendous results. We got eight years of George W. Bush, 2 disastrous wars, more conservative supreme court justices and a Democratic party that moved even further to

I think Rachel Dolezal is either a sociopath (i.e., a person born without a conscience - see “The Sociopath Next Door”) and her family just never knew how to deal with her OR she is fundamentally fucked up because she had a shitty childhood. I’m reading the abuse allegations she made against her biological brother

Probably all of the above. If there were any doubts about the need for body cams, this case definitely shows the need. A cop like this would probably find a creative way to turn his bodycam off though. And so a man is executed for the crime of not paying child support, which guarantees that he can never pay child

California has no AA with proposition 209, so other factors have to go into decision making.

Yes, the only jokes he has ever made are the lame ones on his twitter feed that people are complaining about. You are absolutely correct. We judge all comedians solely by their twitter feeds. Can’t believe Jon Stewart got his show without one.

I’m a naturalized American citizen who has lived in several countries. I have seen stand up comedy in many different countries and understand that some of what is considered funny in my country of origin would have people clamoring for the comedian’s head in this one. I get that Noah’s problematic tweets are sexist

And that’s where you would be wrong. An Asian applicant with those soft skills who got them across in an interview would absolutely have the same shot as a black applicant with the same grades and the same soft skills. I have served on a medical school admissions committee (I’m not an MD and not everyone on such

I was on the pill for over a decade because that was the only way my ob/Gyns knew how to deal with heavy periods caused by uterine fibroids. Then my husband and I decided we wanted kids. Did some research and found out that tranexamic acid helps with heavy bleeding and has been available over the counter in Europe for

What did he say about his in-person interviews?

He must have aced his interviews back then (who knows what he said about being an Indian born in Nigeria). No one gets into medical school solely on the basis of their MCATS and GPA. Nowadays medical schools use the multiple mini interview format to get at things like overcoming adversity, empathy, life goals, etc.

There is a shortage of primary care doctors in medically underserved communities in the US (read inner city and rural areas). A medical school that is trying to address this issue will factor in many qualities in addition to test scores and GPA. The best doctor is not necessarily the student with the best MCAT scores