F1 Got Talent
F1 Got Talent
That scrap is still worth more than a Mexican Beetle.
Too soon?
He’s using his “instructions to the maid” voice.
Donald Trump, or as I like to call him, Human Kinja
¡Muy Am-bien!
Sounds like he really hit a wall.
And children wouldn’t be sexually abused if they weren’t such pathetic little wimps. Why don’t they fight back harder?
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
Donald Trump, the human equivalent to a hideously oppressive smell with no known provenance, has treated the United…
In related news, Weiner has upgraded to AT&T’s unlimited data plan.
4) He’s a complete ass, and Huma ain't got time for that anymore.
I signed one too and I sit my ass down during that noise. I paid to watch a game not an America is great rally.
thank you for this. I chuckle when people lose their minds at other fans talking or farting or sitting during the national anthem, even though that is an exact right represented by the anthem and flag.
Those confederate supporters and defenders are always the first ones to bitch about the gay flag when it’s flown anywhere too. Complete and total removal from reality.
It’s times like this that you should remind them of what happened to rich black people like Thabo Sefolosha, James Blake, Henry Louis Gates...
The overlap of people upset about “disrespect to our flag” and those who proudly fly the treasonous confederate battle flag is 99+%
Just a reminder. People didn’t die so you have to stand for the national anthem. They died so you can sit if you so choose. Even if they don’t agree with someone’s opinion, they were willing to fight for it. That’s what makes this country great. (Even though we have our moments.)