
I kinda stopped reading when I found out he just recently put the proposal in there. Ruined it for me because as I started reading it I had thoughts that maybe he put the note in there 5 years ago figuring if they were still together after 5 years it’d be time to pop the question. That would have been fucking awesome

Unless it’s European shoe sizes, in which case, act your shoe size.

This trend ranks up there as well...

My Year In Gawker Hate Mail

I started working at in April of last year, and ever since, I’ve received a constant barrage of always

People at Fox News would scoff at cargo shorts...cargo shorts are for people who actually do work, not fuckoff assholes who make up bullshit news.

I’ll pass on the wall because it’s fscking racist. I don’t need any other reasons.

Don’t cut your head off... Vote!

An argument for the environment is not one that Trump supporters are likely to care about.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

Ben Mendelsohn just exudes an evil intensity. It’s like he is channeling both Gary Oldman and Ian McKellan.

Was hoping for a little more Vader. Something to give me chills. Still good trailer though and I can't wait.

Definitely Ashley.

These are all ‘shopped.

He couldn’t have brought out the overhead projector? Sad!

Donald Trump just found out about foam core printed signs. I am going to assume that Power Point presentations will be next.