Bunny Luv

There needs to be better oversight to how births are performed. “Dr.” Skol was very wrong and should have faced a more severe punishment. Having said that, I don’t believe it is fair or right to call it rape. Rape is about power, control, manipulation, and sometimes sexual desire. A woman going to give birth is not

Big Bernie supporter here, who voted for Hillary. Yes your friend was a selfish asshole, but that was just one of many reasons Clinton lost. Trump was supremely beatable but pretty much every mistake by the campaign that could be made was made, and every outside strike that could happen against them (gutting of the

The Today Show and Good Morning America are vile piles of complete and utter garbage. Anyone who watches them is not higher functioning. I am glad Tamron Hall and Roker get to escape that nightmare. NBC is complete joke that whitewash everything.

As a hockey fan, this will be the only entertaining part of all star weekend.

I was in a rec softball beer league. I suggested we call ourselves the the drunk white trash. Our uniform was going to be cut-off jean shorts, flannels with the sleeves cut off, bandannas, and knock off oakley sunglasses. Our coed team awas comprised of about half white people, and then the rest were a mix of several

I’m not sure if I can ever read Deadspin again, because I absolutely loath Ted Cruz, but he completely left you in a smouldering pile of ash. Thanks, Deadspin. Fucking milenials.

Wow, your list is way out of order. Obviously, who cares, but wow, your list sucks. Charlie gets molested is easily top 5. The first 3 seasons are all about flawless. Seasons 4-7 get to be hit or miss. Seasons 8 on get better consistently. Any list not reflecting this was put together by a moron. Sorry, I do like your

I think Trump was saying Reich letters.

That’s not funny. Purdue football has suffered enough already.

I don’t think this was a joke about not alienating rednecks. I think this was more a statement of progressives alienating themselves. Bill Maher on the last Real Time, post election, said liberals are far too sensitive about labeling groups. I’m all for anyone to love who they want and to do with their body what they