
Adult Swim has a very specific style of humor they favor and it's been that way for well over a decade. If someone can show me a show that was pitched to them that fits in that mold well and was created by a woman (and subsequently shot down), then I'll be actually upset.

McCain / Palin got 59,950,323 votes in 2008.
Romney / Ryan got 60,933,504 votes in 2012.
Trump / Pence got 60,371,193 votes in 2016.

To this day I still firmly believe U2 does, in fact, have a potato man they bring with them on tour.

"That's cold, Jay"

I was thinking we might need an updated photo of him after reading it to see if he suddenly had an evil little goatee.

It clearly doesn't factor in the bridge troll demographic critical to Trump's victory, who has neither a phone nor an internet connection.

A beautiful, golden cabinet.

Some of us felt the same way back in 2000, and we were terrified at the prospect of having a wholly unqualified, largely aloof president who didn't take his position seriously (Bush).

I'll save you guys (AV Club Staffers) some time today: most of us are currently not in the mood for Seinfeld reimagined with hamsters or any sort of "How to make a Saffron Smoothie" food bullshit you guys are thinking about writing about today, so maybe just take a PTO day or something and get back to us tomorrow.

Holy crap, I googled him and you're right!

"Daddy, tell me the story again how you voted for whatshername back in the day!"

If I remember correctly, the AV Club's My World of Flops re-review of this movie mentioned, (and I'm paraphrasing here) "You know all bets are off in a movie where Tom Sizemore plays the rational, straight man and Morgan Freeman is the loose cannon".

I'm guessing he learned how to do it from watching the master, Rex Grossman

Cleveland Steamers

He's tried out for the Jets in 2012, and the Browns and Lions in 2013. He was signed by the Lions to compete with long-time NFL kicker David Akers, but lost out in the competition for whatever reason, despite making all his kicks in the preseason games (presumably because the Lions trusted Akers' history and

Ah, I thought he was just referring to last night's Falcons / Buccs stuff.

What a crunchry!

Also, no mention of the bizarre Monday Night Football Halloween graphics/animations they used? They were pretty bonkers even for ESPN's weird standards.

No mention of the Trump China Guitar video by Iggy Jackson Cohen?
Still my favorite thing outside of Bad Lip Reading regarding the election this year.

Madea vs Predator