
Special K with Bananas

"Drunk on a Plane: The Wade Boggs Story"

Skanks for the Memories

Also the press in the U.K. carry nightsticks whereas the press in the U.S. carry guns.

I think it's a couple of things.


Perkshire Hathaway

Pancake Makeup and Where to Apply Them

I thought the same thing would happen after Bush, but here we are again.

I'm not really sure which generation I'm technically part of (I'm 34 years old), but he's not wrong about millennials: there's a whole generation of kids now who feel entitled to having the "perfect" everything, and they'll sit out of things if they don't get the exact thing they want.

Mars Needs Mummies

My son is also named Smort

"I'm one of the few people you'll meet who's written more books than they've read."

Tom Snyder?

I'm guessing this was all due to a miscommunication somewhere.

I'm banking on it with my Perfect Strangers reboot script.


What now about Kyrie Irving?

"Backsquatch" has a nice ring to it too

No, seriously.