
I stopped watching the show at the midway point of season 3 (basically stopping at the arena scene in Woodbury, so I can't comment on his character beyond that point), but it did become noticeable how quickly Glenn transitioned from being a quick-witted survivor to becoming largely a whiner once he fell in love with



That's all the word nourishment you get for today.

Hey, that movie had a tricycle chase!

Chet Hank's rap career isn't going to fund itself.

You're the King, Tiny E!

I doubt any executives at Universal have the nards to try it.

He was also super creepy in Carnivale.

I'd pay to see a monster movie where Van Damme roundhouse kicks a mummy or werewolf. Take my money, Hollywood!

"Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. Spooky scary.
Boys becoming men.
Men becoming wolves"

He answered my question!

One with an untwistable stomach!

Andy Garcia's line and the Leslie Jones "Room full of nightmares" line were the only two jokes in the movie I found genuinely funny and not labored.

National Treasure Rich Evans?

Machoooo Libre!

I wouldn't be surprised if Long, Wet Fart is the brand of shampoo Clay Matthews uses to give his hair that awful, greasy, Vigo-from-Ghostbusters look he seems to be so fond of.

The end zone?

I hope FOX gets the Scripps National Spelling Bee one day so they can try to find a way to incorporate that robot into the broadcast somehow.

When the graphics department at Fox found out they were going to have/get to do a NFL product tie-in with Fallout 4 last year, I imagine many pants were soiled in excitement that day.