

You know that classic trope in literature and cinema where somebody dies, but in order for them to get into heaven or avoid going to hell, they are sent back to earth and told they have to redeem themselves by doing a series of good deeds or tasks that are largely the antithesis of that person's nature (i.e. Ebeneezer

"This week in The AV Club's Shakin' and Bacon Room Corey Feldman eats two full plates of Hormel Black Label bacon and then covers Husker Du's 'It’s Not Funny Anymore' ".

Wasn't Kevin Federline's "Playing With Fire" universally considered one of the worst of all time? (fun fact: it sold 6,000 copies in it's first week and has sold a total of 16,000 copies since 2007)


Well I'm convinced.

Michael Moore turned into Bruce Villanche so gradually I hardly noticed!

I showed my girlfriend the first episode of Deadwood two days ago and she got a kick out of that part of the episode more than just about anything else.

Everything Fine, No More Bad Talking About China

Unless you're Josh Holloway in Intelligence, apparently.

Kevin Can't Hardly Wait For Heaven

Actually I think it's delivered from one of the more poignant moments from the first Paul Blart movie.

He does seem pretty knew to this country.

What's funny is Brad Dourif mentioning that he wasn't their first choice for Grima, which begs the question which actor did they actually want initially (since it seems likes Dourif is perfect for it).

Try starting a new job and on day one, half of your coworkers publicly state that their entire goal for your time at the company is to make sure you don't get any work done, regardless of how much trouble it gets them into.


Trevor Siemian!

Whitney Mercilus sounds very close to a fantastic name for a Rollergirl.

"Korn nuts are going nuts about Korn Nuts!"

Fritos isn't free, it costs a buck o' five.