
You've got some bransplaining to do, AV Club!

"Back in high school—it was 1980, I think—my friends and I drove my rusted out Gremlin 240 miles to Kansas City to see The Clash in concert. And there was an unopened jar of mayo in the backseat for some reason; I think my mom left it there after getting groceries or something. In any case, our car broke down about 38

I want to know more about YahooScreen!

To be fair, if there was, say, a cooking competition that all network TV stations dedicated their entire day to broadcasting (Sundays), and a single network also dedicated Mondays and Thursdays nights to, and whose season finale every single year has 100+ million viewers watching, the AV Club would probably spring to

I quickly scanned past this and initially read it as "Disqus Fuckboys"

No, peg.

The TV Club makes probably zero dollars, so them not wanting to have any paid writers do reviews / writeups is completely understandable. Which is why they should probably get people from around the neighborhood like Flanders, Marge, and Jasper to write them.

This article was posted today yet most of the comments are from 7 Days ago: what gives?

My World of Flapjacks


I'm fairly certain that it's entirely possible for websites to exist without relying on a reposting "Ron Livingston Emulating Keyboard Cat Video" business model.

They're in the pocket of Big Bacon lobbyists.

Big gulps, uh?

"Fucking airplanes, how do they work?"

I didn't say they well all top-tier stars, but that movie was full of household names that even myself as a 14 year old casual movie viewer at the time immediately recognized a lot of them. And Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum were very well known commodities. Plus you had:

MANlMAL linked this earlier.

It's all part of the Paul Blart Extended Cinematic Universe.

Probably because all those movies have had multiple reboots/sequels over the last 15 years and any potential allure of them being put on a pedestal in the past have long since gone. And I'd argue that only the original Jurassic Park had any sense of timeless quality to it in the first place of the movies you listed.

I'm mostly just rocking back and forth here waiting for Block and Tackle to start up again.

*Jai Courtney sits impatiently by the phone*