
I only posted that list to show that there were tons of well-reviewed, non-sequel/franchise-based movies that were pretty unique that came out in 1989, of which only Back to the Future Part 2 would I honestly consider by any stretch to be considered a cash grab where some industry executive might have said "Let's do a

It's Rotten Tomatoes "best movies of 1989" with adjusted scores (which I think takes into account the number of reviews available). Regardless of what specific percentages they got from whatever method they used, you'll notice there's still a good number of great movies on that list that came out that year and a lot

Movies that came out in 1989 (with Rotten Tomato rating)

I'm honestly not sure if you're being sarcastic or not :p

Bad Boys came out a year before Independence Day, and I think would be what made Will Smith a movie star (especially since ID4 was an ensemble cast with a ton of other famous actors).

People will forgive reboots / remakes / sequels if they end up bringing something new to the table, have a fantastic vision, or simply do a wonderful job evoking the best aspects of a franchise (which apparently the most recent Star Trek surprisingly was able to do).

Yeah but how much of that box office total is propped up by a handful of giant blockbusters that doesn't really reflect how the rest of the industry is doing.

I'm so sick of everyone pointing to Ghostbusters 2 also being a "cash grab" as somehow a defense against the argument of the Ghostbusters remake not being necessary.

*Bond swipes left on his phone, causing the bomb located in nearby pop-up shop to detonate, throwing villain's Nissan Cube into the air*

Anthony Jeselnik while we're at it.
He's got the disinterested aspect of things nailed down.

You Only Get Up Twice

I bought myself a Mads Mikkelsen after watching Casino Royale and he's been worth every penny.

I got a Phil Simms notification for this?

Wynn Duffy

Don't forget John Depp!

And how come Al-Qaeda doesn't dance anymore.

It's not great.

And now he Shreked into the hospital.

Peach. James Peach.

Cool Hand Luke