
I initially read that as giant loan shark.

Yup there are some folks on here who might not like her because she's gay.

I think its largely because a good number of us don't find her particularly funny at all AND we don't see why the AV Club was promoting her so much and so frequently. And their repeated insistence that she was an "elite" comedienne alongside such fantastic folks like Maria Bamford.

Well the "11 Questions" feature itself falls into that shitty content category: it's largely fluff and the vast majority of the guest stars rarely provide any humor from it because the questions themselves are pretty lame/labored. Some very funny comedians have done it and not generated decent responses. Its a tough

Yeah I just saw the new one posted today after "recognitions" mentioned it. I check the site several times a day and I've apparently missed a couple of the ones over the last month or so because they've been buried under Great Job, Internet! articles and other clickbait junk with the way the site organizes it's

I don't know how long you've been reading the AV Club (I've been for close to 10 years now) but the overall feel of the site has changed dramatically since 2012, largely in part to losing a huge number of the longstanding writers/editors who gave it a very distinct voice over the years: folks like such as Phipps,

Our Brand is Crisis

Rob Schneider did three movies based on it.

Or Hot to Trot which I got this movie confused with most of my young life.

Great Disrespectful, Fire-Nose Healthman

Tell me more!

I was kinda bummed that this was only one of two lines I genuinely laughed at in that movie.

He's not entirely wrong though.

A critical opportunity was missed for this small human child to ask Kate McKinnon about her role in Benghazi.

Dont forget The Constant Gardener!

I agree: I saw the original as an 8 year old and knew right away that worshipping Zuul and Gozer was that right choice for me. And still is to this day!

"I'll have pastrami"

The Robin Williams movie Jack was most likely called Overgrown Child over in China.

Rizzoli & Isles & Ailes!

It will do decently well in the US but will make a fuck-ton of money overseas. It positively killed overseas back in 2009 and that was even before the current environment where anything action/CGI by default makes a ton of money in China.