
The whole situation is funnier if you look at it in a sort of Scott Pilgrim sense:

If he was still alive, it would have been narrated by Robert Loggia!

Stewart was making reference to a large number of Republican candidates (and pundits who supported them) who had been time and time again given opportunities to put their money where their mouth was after saying that they "support the troops / firefighters / policemen" but then wouldn't support bills giving those

They've tried a few times, such as the "Half Hour News Hour" but for some reason there's not been a lot of "right-wing" comedians / writers that translated well into television / comedy.

*Looks at the 8 years prior to Obama*
*Looks at the 8 years with Obama*

Yeah I was just thinking something along those lines, heh (see above comment).

To be fair, in a Star Wars: The Force Awakens Monopoly-like misjudgement on Mattel's part, the initial Ghostbuster reboot toys were just dolls of Chris Hemsworth, Ed Begley Jr, Charles Dance, and Michael Kenneth Williams.


Heh, I was just typing the same thing and now saw your post.

Our country was literally founded by a group people leaving to escape religious persecution and be able to speak freely.

I hate to break it to you, but your arguments / suggestions aren't of exactly the "they speak for themselves" variety in terms of vigorous discourse. So you're going to have to show your work on this one :p

"the gubment is the only body that can infringe upon free speech."

You like discussions but you don't like providing examples?
Do you like pizza but hate toppings?

I thought that during the debates of 2000 election folks would clearly see how much George W Bush was in over his head in terms of having to talk about issues in specifics and present to the public that he was intellectually equipped to hold the highest office in the nation. And yet he got elected, much to my

You're adorable!

It's Arby's horsey sauce.

Rule 34. Tabernacle Porn

His dance-off with Rain for me remains the highlight of The Colbert Report (with Im Watching You Charlene in a close second)

"Hmm… but that seems to be the way the wind is blowing these days! After all, we have female singers, female motorists. Welcome aboard!"

Purple monkey dishwasher