
There's also one where Patrick Stewart plays the devil on SNL which is pretty great

Damnit, just made a comment saying the same thing and just noticed this.

Randy Quaid was right, the Hollywood Star Whackers are real!

"It looks like you're writing a Great Job, Internet! article.
Would you like help?"

It's true!
I got my race-bait check in the mail yesterday!

*Jared Leto nods approvingly*

And Jurassic Park: The Lost World!


"When I was a child there was thought to be nine planets. But now…there are…90 planets…?"

"Time for some traffic problems in Spinach town"

Nacho Libre corn in the eye comes close.

You're probably not her stile.

The old guy in the Independence Day movies?
And the show Taxi?

Paint my fence!

It's not what you like, it's the consumer.

"Jesus was the original pokemon trainer."
- Churches, probably

Then again you had Herman Cain late last year give a speech that had multiple lines verbatim taken from the Pokemon 2000 movie (to which he was initially unaware).

*something something Chekhov's gun*

In the movie they'll make dissidents disappear.

The quality on this isn't great, but the remix/looping parts are terrific.