
I feel like a lot of what's in Super Troopers, Reno 911 did similar things but much better.

It falls into the Austin Powers category of movies that are genuinely delightful but after becoming extremely popular and mimicked by everyone, people have a hard time disassociating the movie from the public's treatment of it.


I'm hoping both are true, as my Field of Dreams + A League of Their Own crossover-reboot script features a whole team of lady ghosts.

Yeah I dated a girl who was obsessed with ghosts and had probably 50 books on them. I know it's obviously not a good sample size, but for some inexplicable reason it kinda makes sense.

Otm Shank?

I thought I'd seen all of their reviews, but this shit was amazing

While I do think that a handful of the new additions to the list honestly aren't comedies (A Serious Man is interesting but it's not at all a comedy), I'm happy that you guys picked a handful of my suggestions from the first article :p

"You're thinking of Australians. We're from New Zealand"

I initially read that as "Wong again, AV Club!"

I think the baby rolling down the hill scene almost deserves it's own exclusive entry.

"The most hideous boy in the world has the ball. He has a lumber pile in his mouth that he is calling teeth, and he is a mean S.O.B"

I give it 5 swims.

Oh, you're right!

Imagineers Goggles


"movie with a mainly female cast not directed by Paul Feig and not explicitly a chick flick for girls when?"

Some of us want a realistic, down-to-earth show that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots.


And while I think Tatum is also way more physically imposing than Miller, which would work in favor of the Biff intimidation aspect from the original, but I feel like Tatum's done too many crowd-pleasing roles at this point where folks wouldn't likely buy him as a unrepentant bully.