
Honestly not a huge fan of this list, considering a good number of them listed barely register as comedies and only illicit a mirthless chuckle or two (I'm guessing it's complicated).

It's a somewhat endearing movie, but it's honestly not all that funny. It does that annoying Big Bang Theory thing where it tries really, really hard to be nerd-friendly but ultimately so feels forced/inauthentic and reminds of when parents try to use youth-slang to ingratiate themselves with their kids.

The first 10 minutes of the movie are great and the rest is fairly passable.

Superbad! Wait, what are we doing?

"If you look off to your left, you'll see an AV Club staffer returning from a hard days work laboring at the click mines: in hand, a small clickbait nugget, excavated from the deepest, and darkest regions found within."

I don't even own a ghost

"He died doing what he loved. Drowning."

Charmander: Uses Blaze

Corpse fainted

Plus the origin story for why he made it was pretty ridiculously funny.

Unless you're in the enviable position of creating art / media where you can create it without having to worry at all about any monetary returns, most of this argument ultimately boils down what type of content is providing rewards (usually monetary) to the creators of said art / media: be it ticket purchases,

Don't mind me, I'll just be reading an article about Daisy Ridley's hair that is obviously not an excuse to show a video of her working out *wink*

Oh hai, spunk.

Or my Growing Pains fan-fiction where Boner pops like 20 boners.

I eagerly await the eventual moment when the AV Club unknowingly submits an AV Club article for it's GJI.

Just watch either of the Paul Blart movies with the sound off.

Sportsball fan spotted

The buck stops here.

"Rey…Start the clickbait reactor"

"This should be adequate sustenance for the Dr. Who marathon."