
Mark Burnett?

Lightsabers can't melt steel doors!
Err wait, nm, they can.

"Joey doesn't share!"
*shoots Greedo first*

You must really be from the future, because I don't believe I've ever heard anyone in the past or present ever professing to liking Mike Epps.

"Go 'way, clickbaitin"

Consider this your reprieve from the governor, GJI.

Ah, didn't see your comment way down there :p

Well Woody Allen casted Andrew Dice Clay in Blue Jasmine (which he apparently was pretty good in), so this seems about right.

Iron Bae

I initially didn't glance at who wrote this article when I started reading it, but I only got about halfway through it before I realized it had to be John Teti, as the attention to detail, depth of analysis was fantastic, and writing cadence reminded me of Block and Tackle articles. Which are my favorite on the site,

White, angry males have had nothing to focus their anger on since Limp Bizkit's demise in 1999.

Olde Metal.

*Fills in "Rape Culture" square on AV Club Article Bingo card*

My old gaffer will never believe it.

I'm guessing it probably would have been The Blackfish, most likely.

Tormund Giantsbane's smaller brother, Jormund Dwarfsmasher.

But……Vince McMahon .gifs!

The SyFy Network Presents: Starz

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

I think I'm going to open a chain of sandwich shops called "Chomskys" where instead of ordering, they tell you what you're going to have.