
Das Reboot

"Hey Priscilla, what do you want on your hotdog?" - New York Hotdog Vendor to Hugo


Agreed, although sadly I'm guessing 90% of the fans of either of those two movies probably couldn't even put a name to Weaving if prompted, and would just refer to him as Agent Smith or Elrond.

Yeah these articles are pretty worthless. A few years ago they were all about how Hugo Weaving had become the all-time highest grossing actor (purely due to Lord of the Rings and the Matrix trilogies).

It's weird: we somehow managed to finally get a coach for each major sport here in Minnesota that I actually like/respect. Historically we usually have at least one coach that you can't help but roll your eyes about when their name is mentioned.

Block and Tackle is one of the few remaining, recurring AV Club original content articles that are always fantastic every single week.


What really matters?

You'll be surprised to learn then that A.A. Dowd is now, in fact, A.I. Dowd, a sentient, movie-reviewing artificial intelligence. All of the AV Club staff have been slowly transitioned over the last few years to robots in a cost saving measure.

After reading this article, I just can't even.

Meth Enthusiast

They both look like they auditioned for Aaron Paul's Breaking Bad part at one point and both got summarily rejected. So then they started a Twitter feed because Hollywood blows and trying at things totally sucks, bruh.

Now this is Pod racing!

I think she said "earn this", which is clearly a reference to Saving Private Ryan.

I'd like to think that The Terminal was secretly Steven Spielberg Presents: "Perfect Strangers: The Movie"

We had a Greatjon, and a Smalljon, so it only makes sense he's actually Middlejon.

Actually Cersei herself was the one who ordered the Pyromancers Guild (who are different than the maesters) to start making wildfire again (which they hadn't since the Mad King).

Night King + Ice Queen

She's probably going to meet back up with the Brotherhood most likely, especially since they've now mentioned that they are specifically gearing up for the upcoming walker war