
They didn't show her receiving a response and it would be entirely within Littlefingers character to purposefully not give a response, but to send forward scouts to watch the battle, and only join the fray exactly when they would be the dominant force and would win the day (thereby being the major power in the North

Mance stated in season 4 that the giants that came with them to siege the wall were the last of their kind in existence. And all of them died in the siege/fighting except Wun Wun, so it stands to reason that Wun Wun had been the last living giant.

It might have even been something of a callback to the very first episode where Robb and Bran watch Ned execute the fleeing Night's Watchman.

Yeah in a show where the bad guys almost always seem to win, actually having the good guys win for a change does become something of a plot-twist and not at all perfunctory.

Ramsay: "We're going to build a wall [of corpses]. And they're going to pay for it."

I think this for me was one of the only major disappointments I had about this episode: none of the other older loyal houses showing up despite initially saying no.

Smalljon = Poor Man's Christian Bale
Daario = Poor Man's Eric Bana

I eagerly await the return of Hot Pie: The Pie that was Promised

And just when we had thought the league had shifted away from teams going Greatjon and were moving towards Smalljon lineups, we find that going big still wins championships last tonight.

Ah, I completely forgot about all the Dorne stuff!

An Uproxx article?

Holy guacamole!

Am I the only one who likes Neon Bro: Sadness Punter?

Kawaii means "Cute" in Japanese.

Of course he can: he's the coffee boss.

Imagining Lewis Black angrily saying this made me laugh.

Has Bronn ever even been hit by anyone on the show? I feel like in every one of his fights he's dodged pretty much every swing at him, so he's like a dirtier version of The Viper.

It ain't white boy day today, is it?

I've been saying that Robin is the Prince that Was Promised on here for a couple of years :p

I'm guessing the Ghost of AV Club Past paid a visit to Chris Dart as he was typing up this GJI.