
I don't know if this movie is getting an international release or not, but I'm eager to see what weird alternate titles this movie will likely have over seas, especially in the Asian markets.

Kevin Hart has done some absolutely awful movies over the last 3-4 years but I genuinely laughed when I saw that tagline and I almost get the weird suspicion that this movie might magically be somehow watchable.

Southland Tales: "Hey, read the graphic novels we put out that explains what the fuck is going on in this movie."

And just like the Apple Store, if someone caused a ruckus, they send a handful of Geniuses to womp on them with sticks.

Everything's coming up Mirrorhouse

Fair enough.

Reiterating a comment I made earlier, but isn't Steven Universe created and produced by Rebecca Sugar? Pretty certain she's female.

Pretty much.

Assy McGee was some of the best no-brow comedy I've ever seen.

Yeah the first 10 minutes of Up is absolutely amazing and then jumps off a cliff with a fat annoying kid and talking dog (via science!) and tones that felt like a gimmick that I'd see in a Dreamworks movie. I couldn't get past the 30 minute mark of it and I adore most Pixar movies (WALL-E is one of my favorite movies)

Actually that was BURN-E, the short that came with WALL-E

Pootie Tang barely survived three weeks in theaters though.

You can really see the dodongos in this one.

The first 10 hours of it were fantastic and then I remember immediately hitting a wall and found myself bored to death at the tedium of having to continuously collect bugs or whatnot to make any progress.

Luke Wilson.

Probably the Rhino intro scene.

South Park has done the same thing with a handful of places I presumed were fictional (Casa Bonita, Shakey's Pizza) and I was bemused to discover that most of them were actual places.

He was also in Earth Girls are Easy in 1988, as one of the three aliens (along with Jeff Goldblum and Damon Wayans)

It was most definitely the Menendez brother's trial.

Well Chris Farley's Matt Foley motivational speaker SNL skits largely used the same concept as The Cable Guy: incredibly awkward, nearly deranged man uses his profession as an excuse to try to ingratiate himself into a family's life (with a family substituting for Matthew Broderick).